This is a message of solidarity from a group of current and former content moderators at Facebook
We would walk out with you — if Facebook would allow it. As outsourced contractors, non-disclosure agreements deter us from speaking openly about what we do and witness for most of our waking hours. Safety and data protection are important, but so is a healthy debate about what happens at Facebook. In contrast to the official Facebook employees, NDAs also prevent us from voicing concerns and contributing to the public discussion about inevitable ethical challenges connected to the job.
Why Electronic Voting Is Still A Bad Idea
Varför rår inte vänsterpolitiker på SDs migrationspolitik
När migration ramas in som en frihetsfråga blottas problemet med SDs politik, att den minskar människors frihet.
Rätt att lägga ned Palmeutredningen
Men övergripande – att efter 34 års utredningsarbete komma till slutsatsen att förundersökningen ska läggas ned – måste nog betraktas som ett klokt beslut, särskilt i ljuset av avsaknaden av ny teknisk bevisning, liksom de begränsade möjligheterna till att framgent finna ny bevisning. Dessa får nog anses uttömda.
Relationships Among Devices: IoT -> RaD
In classic programming, we are taught to create levels of abstraction to enable us to support the messaging from the button press to the device. The problem with layering is that it creates a dependence on the lower layers.
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