När vi riktar in oss på en människas skapande förmågor, smarta lösningar på vardagliga problem och passionen som människan känner för konst eller musik, då blir det smått omöjligt att kategorisera den människan som en del av ett problem.
”And this is the cost of bias. When you only see the outsides, like gender, you deny something important. The distinct and inherent things that person is interested in, their passions, their joys, their smarts, their ideas. In other words, when you only see the outside, you deny the onlyness of the person sitting right in front of you. This is what happens we look at “them” through our lens of bias. I managed to fit in line or two about how including more women creates better business outcomes because those that are often unseen are the ones most likely to see new solutions. But despite all that, the damage was already done.”