Vecka 16

Optimizing for grades kills passion

”You go to work to make money, not because you enjoy the work. But when it’s your passion, you take the initiative to add your own improvisations and inventions. Learning for a better grade can’t compare to learning out of curiosity or learning through experimentation. Grade-based learning is anti-failure. You have one chance to get it right each time.” Läs mer

Amanda Sokolnicki: Svenonius kan inte skylla materielbristen på andra

”Skälet till att Socialstyrelsen och Folkhälsomyndigheten har ställt krav på att regionerna ska ha krislager handlar specifikt om risken för pandemier. Det struntade politikerna i.” Läs mer

Pandemiplaner saknar krav på skyddsutrustning

”De tre storstadsregioner som drabbats hårdast av coronaviruset har ur sina pandemiplaner plockat bort kravet på att de ska hålla lager av skyddsutrustning. Det visar Ekots granskning. Det här bryter mot Socialstyrelsen och Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer.” Läs mer

COVID-19 and the Death of Market Fundamentalism

Paul Gilding om hur Covid-19 blottat marknadsfundamentalismens svaghet och statens återkomst i världsekonomin Läs mer

Stampeding Black Elephants

“Currently,” said Sweidan, “there are a herd of environmental black elephants gathering out there” — global warming, deforestation, ocean acidification, mass extinction and massive fresh water pollution. “When they hit, we’ll claim they were black swans no one could have predicted, but, in fact, they are black elephants, very visible right now.” We’re just not dealing with them at the scale necessary. If they all stampede at once, watch out. Läs mer


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