Vecka 29

Any claim without a URl should be treated as suspicious

The whole investigation took me 5 minutes. A Web search, a few clicks, and some ctrl-f-ing. These are basic skills, and you should use those skills before you share something which sounds too good to be true. Treat any claim without a URl as suspicious.

How quitting social media changed my life

The U.S.-supported coup in Bolivia continues to produce repression and tyranny, while revealing how U.S. media propaganda works

The U.S.-supported military coup in Bolivia has largely disappeared from western news outlets ever since the November 2019 massacres of pro-democracy protesters by the right-wing faction that seized power. But for Bolivians, the repression and tyranny that replaced their stable and thriving democracy endures. And, predictably, the “interim president” installed after the coup, Jeanine Áñez, continues to rule the country 10 months later, despite no possibility of being democratically elected, while she and her party plot how to prevent an election which all polls show will result in victory for the socialist party of toppled President Evo Morales.

”We do not have a real democracy”

Ruth Ben-Ghiat: Volunteer to help register voters. Help people make sure they are on the eligible voter lists. If there is an overwhelming Biden victory on Election Day, it becomes much harder for Donald Trump to successfully find a way to stay in office.

”Löneskillnader finns – men inte inom låglönesektorn”

”om ett av huvudmålen är att migranterna skall bli produktiva medlemmar i arbetskraften har politiken varit lyckad. Sysselsättningen för de nya medborgarna startar visserligen svagt. Men över tiden hamnar den i närheten av genomsnittet för Europas medborgare. Med lönen som mått på duglighet är resultatet ännu starkare. Flykting­invandrare har lika hög eller högre lön än jämförbara infödda svenskar på nästan halva den svenska arbetsmarknaden.”

How to talk to a conspiracy theorist — and still be kind

State what’s true, debunk the conspiracy theory, and state what’s true again.

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