Vecka 33

What Democrats Can Learn from the Republicans about Political Power

Conservatives overcome the public’s tilt to the left by campaigning on a compelling, easy-to-understand mythos about American identity and its foundation in liberty, which (the right argues) is sacrificed by excessive government power. It’s a powerful creed that resonates deeply with American character, and it is reinforced by a network of conservative organizations grounded in institutions that govern people’s lives (churches, workplaces, recreational clubs, etc.).

Australia Fast-Tracks Plan to Send Solar Power to Singapore

Sun Cable says the project can supply a fifth of Singapore’s power needs, helping to reduce the city-state’s reliance on natural gas imports.

Tegnell-mejlen: Så fick flockimmuniteten fäste hos Folkhälsomyndigheten

Flockimmunitet. Hela världen förknippar Sverige med ordet, men ändå vill ingen säga att det varit vår strategi. Så hur har strategin formats hos de ledande tjänstemännen på Folkhälsomyndigheten? Genom tillgång till hundratals utbegärda mejl har jag kunnat kartlägga vad som byggt grunden för Sveriges covid-19-strategi.

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